Hello, Rose Valley friends and followers; please take a moment to read these safety tips to help you and your family stay safe from COVID-19 during the upcoming fall and winter months.

Protect Yourself

Follow these everyday actions before, during, and after any event to protect yourself and others:

    • Stay home when sick.

    • Avoid crowds and people who are sick.

    • Delay all travel, including plane trips, and especially avoid going on any cruise.

    • Cover your mouth for coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of your elbow. Then wash your hands.

    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

    • Clean your hands often. Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. If you don’t have soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

    • Clean and disinfect surfaces and things you often touch, such as tables, chairs, doorknobs, light switches, elevator buttons, handrails, countertops, remote controls, shared electronic equipment, shared exercise equipment, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets and sinks.

 Make a plan in case you get sick

  • Call your doctor about checking for symptoms that might be COVID-19.

  • Stay in touch with others by phone or e-mail. You might need to ask for help from friends, family, neighbors, community health workers, etc. if you become sick.

  • Have an emergency contact list.

  • Have a list of your daily medication and time of day you take them, so a caregiver can help you if you get sick.

  • Determine who can provide you with care if your caregiver gets sick.

Make sure you have enough supplies

  • Contact your doctor to ask about getting extra medications (at least a 30 day supply) to have on hand if there is an outbreak of COVID-19 in your community, and you need to stay home for a few weeks.

  • If you cannot pick up extra medications, consider using mail-order.

  • Be sure you have over-the-counter medicines and medical supplies (e.g., tissues) to treat fever and other symptoms. Many older adults will be able to recover from COVID-19 at home.

  • Have enough household items and groceries so that you will be comfortable staying home for a few weeks.

If there is a COVID-19 outbreak in your community

  • Pay attention to your local news and follow the steps from your local health officials.

  • Continue to take these simple steps to stay healthy: wash your hands often, do not touch your face, avoid sick people and crowds, and disinfect surfaces.

  • Stay home as much as possible.

If you must leave your house

  • Avoid crowds as much as possible.

  • When you go out in public, keep away from others who are sick, limit close contact and often wash your hands.

  • Consider steps you can take to stay away from other people. This is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick.

  • Pay attention to your health: If you develop COVID-19 symptoms including fever, cough, and trouble breathing, call your doctor.

If you get sick and think you have COVID-19

Watch for symptoms and emergency warning signs

  • Symptoms include fever, cough and trouble breathing.

  • If you feel like you are developing symptoms, call your doctor first. Tell them that you think you might have COVID-19. This will help them take care of you and protect others.

  • If you are not sick enough to be hospitalized, you can recover at home. Follow your doctor’s orders and CDC tips for how to take care of yourself at home.

  • Keep your friends and family up to date on your health. Let them know if you need anything. You should not leave your house when you are sick.

Know when to get emergency help

  • If you get worsening symptoms, call 911 right away:

    • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

    • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest

    • New confusion or inability to arouse

  • Bluish lips or face

    • *This list does not include everything. Please call your doctor or 911 for any other symptom that is severe or concerning.

Stay Safe!