With advances in medicine and technology, our elders are living longer than ever.  With this longer life expectancy comes incredible joy in passing down legacies, traditions and memories of a time past.  More seniors are leading active, vibrant lifestyles today – long into their golden years – than ever before.

Baby boomers, for instance, who are now entering their retirement years, are now looking forward to decades of active retirement living.  Active older adults will find plenty of blogs that celebrate the joys of aging, provide tips for maintaining an active lifestyle, overcoming some of the common issues that arise throughout the golden years, such as navigating the complex healthcare system and coping with financial challenges and more.

Simultaneously, as older adults live longer, the number of older adults diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease continues to rise, and other conditions associated with aging are also increasing.  As a result, more family members – adult children, spouses, etc. – are taking on the role of the family caregiver as their loved ones experience physical or cognitive decline and require assistance with daily living activities.  Family caregivers frequently turn to blogs and other online resources for the supportive community that exists in the online world.  These blogs offer firsthand accounts of family caregivers' experiences, tips for helping loved ones overcome common challenges such as swallowing difficulties, and advice for coping with family caregiving's emotional ups and downs.

We, at Rose Valley, look forward to providing you and your loved ones with the resources to help out during the process.  Please follow our blog for more information and tips and stop by one of our many locations to tour one of our amazing homes.

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